LVMPD Citizen Review Board
Board Members

Candidates undergo a robust vetting process and must reside within unincorporated Clark County or the City of Las Vegas. Elected officials and current or former commissioned employees of the LVMPD are ineligible. Over 75 hours of mandatory training is required for all new members including class time, ride-alongs, and various tours.

Our membership is diverse and from all educational and socio-economic backgrounds. Members’ occupations include educators, culinary workers, an OSHA supervisor, an executive assistant, a valet, a maintenance specialist, security workers, a firearms instructor, an IT salesman, a housekeeping supervisor, a retired CIA agent, a retired prison nurse, a risk manager, retired law enforcement officers, and a college admissions counselor supervisor.

Applications are accepted throughout the year. Final appointments are made by members of the LVMPD Fiscal Affairs Committee as vacancies occur.

Interested in becoming a board member? Click here to fill out an application for future consideration.

Present Board Members:

Benitez, T.

Brown, C.

Clark, B.

Clegg, E.

Gerber, T.

Gliszczynski, B.

Haddad, P.

Harvey, C.

Jones, C.

Jones, I.

Lauritzen, F.

Leavitt, L.

Longworth, C.

McConneha, A.

Moya, M.

Noguez, K.

Palmer, C.

Perez, F.

Reyes, J.

Stout, K.

Witten, T.

Wojciechowski, S.

Wright, P.